Cast Iron Black Man Coin Bank Green Jacket
Cast Iron Coin Bank
Black History
Man with green jacket
Measuring 17cm
Fully intact with both its original bottom tray however the section to keep the money in is missing – the screw that holds the two halves of the bank together in the back intact. Head, back and base plate are held together with three screws on the back: two at the ears, and one at the very bottom.
Significant original paint remains: green coat and tie; white teeth, red lips, and orange and white eyes showing wear.
This bank is fully operational. A coin is placed in the open right hand, a lever behind the left shoulder is depressed and the coin flies into the mouth while the eyes roll back in his head. Raised letters on the back of the bank read: “JOLLY NIGGER / BANK Pat Mar 14 82”
1 in stock